Friday, 6 April 2012

Learning it prima facie

Kedar Danait (student) shares with us his sales experience in Jagruti where he says, "It is a fantastic experience! The best part about selling is that I actually learnt so many things viz. how to deal with different types of people, how to maintain a pleasant stance irrespective of how difficult the customer might be and how to be creative while pitching to different people with different mindsets." Kedar adds on saying,"The best lesson I learned in this on-field process is to go by your gut-feeling. And that became prominent when I would slot people who were to be my prospective customers. I also learned that when you are passionate about something(in this case, the Jagruti cause), confidence easily shines through in your approach to you work!"

Even the faculty members have been encouraging the students and giving them feedback time and again. Aparna Rao(facultuy) says, " It's all about breaking free of the resistance and fear of approaching strangers, selling and building relationships. Attitudes show not through words but through deeds or lack of deeds...'I did' is better than 'I wish I had'; 'I tried and failed' is better than 'I never tried at all'...."

Nandkishor R Bhor(student) narrates his experience of selling a book to a bus conductor who himself approached the students looking at their enthusiasm. This photograph was taken from the conductor's own mobile where the conductor says, "I'll keep this pic for my remembrance, each time I read this book." You see, it's evident that passion is contagious!"

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